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Himachal Pradesh Capital: Capital Of Himachal Pradesh

Introduction Himachal Pradesh, Situated in the Northern part of India, is a state renowned for its majestic landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich heritage. Nestled in...

Climate of India: Rainfall, Temperature and Himalayan Region

Introduction India, with its vast geographic expanse and diverse topography, exhibits a wide range of climatic conditions. The country's climate is influenced by several factors,...

Cheetah: Running Speed, Life and Attacks of Cheetah

Introduction Cheetahs are large carnivorous mammals belonging to the Felidae family. They are primarily found in various parts of Africa, including savannas, grasslands, and open...

Increasing Deforestation: Effects, Reasons and Solutions

Introduction Deforestation is the process of clearing or removing large areas of forests or trees, typically for various human activities such as agriculture, logging, urban...

Effects of Increasing Pollution: Causes and Prevention of Pollution

Introduction Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful or undesirable substances into the Environment, causing adverse effects on the natural world and Human health. It...

Key Facts about Volcanic Eruptions – Effects and Causes

Introduction Volcanoes are awe-inspiring natural phenomena that have fascinated and terrified humans for centuries. These geological features are a result of complex processes deep within...

What is the Hurricane: When, Where and Why They Occur

Introduction: Hurricanes are one of nature's most powerful and destructive forces. These massive storms, known by different names in various parts of the world (hurricanes...

The Existence of Aliens: Exploring the Possibilities and Implications

Introduction The Question of whether aliens exist has Fascinated Humanity for Centuries. The Notion of Extraterrestrial life, Popularized by Science Fiction, has Sparked Curiosity and...

World Photography Day: Capturing Moments of History

World Photography Day Introduction In the era of smartphones and digital cameras, it's easy to take photography for granted. But have you ever wondered about the...

Pilot of Miami to Chile flight dies 3 hours after takeoff

Pilot of Miami to Chile flight dies 3 hours after takeoff The pilot of a commercial flight from Miami to Chile carrying 271 people passed...
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